Magnetpulverbremsen vs. Hysteresebremsen

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Precise and reliable braking systems are required in many industrial applications. Magnetic particle brakes and hysteresis brakes are often used, particularly in areas such as voltage regulation, test benches or conveyor technology. But which technology is suitable for which application? In this article, we compare magnetic particle brakes and hysteresis brakes in terms of their functions, advantages and typical areas of application.

Magnetic particle brakes

Magnetic particle brakes work with a fine metal powder that is located between the rotor and stator. If an electrical voltage is applied to the brake coil, a magnetic field is created which magnetises the powder and thus causes a power transmission between the rotor and stator. The braking force is almost proportional to the applied current and can be very finely dosed.


  • High control accuracy
  • Stepless torque control
  • Long service life when used correctly

Typical applications:

  • Tension control in winding processes (printing, textile and film industry)
  • Dynamic test benches
  • Conveyor and drive systems

Hysteresis brakes

Hysteresis brakes utilise the principle of magnetic hysteresis.A permanent magnet or an electromagnet generate a magnetic field that influences a specially coated hysteresis material in the rotor.This results in internal losses in the material, which are converted into braking force.The special feature: The braking torque is independent of the speed.


  • Wear-free, as there is no direct mechanical contact
  • Constant braking torque independent of the speed
  • Very long service life

Typical applications:

  • Test benches for engines, transmissions and clutches
  • Torque calibration and quality control
  • Control of belt tensions in sensitive applications

Which brake for which application?

The choice between magnetic particle brakes and hysteresis brakes depends heavily on the application in question. If you need a precise and finely controllable brake for drive systems, a magnetic particle brake is the right choice. If, on the other hand, a constant torque is required for test benches or calibrations, the hysteresis brake comes into its own.

Both technologies have their justification - it all depends on the requirements of the respective application. If you choose the right brake, you can make processes more efficient and optimise the service life of your machines.

Are you looking for the right brake for your project?

Kern Antriebstechnik offers you high-quality magnetic particle and hysteresis brakes for a wide range of industrial applications. Let our experts advise you and find the optimum solution for your requirements. Contact us now!